Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sample Visual Basic Program - Order Information

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim cap, esp, latte, icecap, icelatte As Boolean
Dim i_amount As Currency
Dim n_tax As Currency
Dim totaldue As Currency
Dim q_amount As Integer
Const n_cap = 1.5, n_esp = 2, n_latte = 2.5, n_icelatte = 3, n_icecap = 3.5, tax = 0.12
q_amount = Val(txtquan.Text)
If cappucino.Value = True Then
i_amount = q_amount * n_cap
lblamount.Caption = n_cap
lblsubtotal.Caption = i_amount
ElseIf espresso.Value = True Then
i_amount = q_amount * n_esp
lblamount.Caption = n_esp
lblsubtotal.Caption = i_amount
ElseIf late.Value = True Then
i_amount = q_amount * n_latte
lblamount.Caption = n_latte
lblsubtotal.Caption = i_amount
ElseIf icedlatte.Value = True Then
i_amount = q_amount * n_icelatte
lblamount.Caption = n_icelatte
lblsubtotal.Caption = i_amount
ElseIf icedcap.Value = True Then
i_amount = q_amount * n_icecap
lblamount.Caption = n_icecap
lblsubtotal.Caption = i_amount
End If
If checktakeout.Value = 1 Then
n_tax = tax * i_amount
lbltax.Caption = 0
End If

totaldue = i_amount + n_tax
lbltax.Caption = n_tax
lbltotaldue.Caption = totaldue

End Sub
Private Sub cappucino_Click()
MsgBox "Cappucino $1.5"
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
txtquan = ""
lblamount = ""
lblsubtotal = ""
lbltax = ""
lbltotaldue = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
txtquan = ""
lblamount = ""
lblsubtotal = ""
lbltax = ""
lbltotaldue = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Label3_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub espresso_Click()
MsgBox "Espresso $2.0"
End Sub

Private Sub icedcap_Click()
MsgBox "Iced Cappucino $3.5"
End Sub

Private Sub icedlatte_Click()
MsgBox "Iced Latte $3.00"
End Sub

Private Sub late_Click()
MsgBox "Latte $2.5"
End Sub

*This is one of my programming assignment in my computer course


Hemant Saluja said...

This is good information. I'll try this. Thanks for given your information.


aa said...

Thank you for sharing this information. It helps to learn the basic program.
Hope you will be keeps on sharing this kind of information.
Nice blog!


princessmalou said...

hello sir can you display a program here that calculates decimal,hexa and binary using the basic operation that uses assembly language..plz.. i really need it as soon as posible.. thank you.